Bring Augustine to your community in a compelling live production.
Meet Augustine in an accessible and deeply moving performance that captures the poetry and passion of the saint. We would love to bring Augustine to your community! Contact us today to find out how we can work together to make this happen.
Defilippis has edited and shaped the spiritual classic, The Confessions of Saint Augustine into a riveting dramatic experience. “As I explored this text, I was astounded to discover a completely modern story about a man who was absorbed in a decadent existence of sexual indulgence and intellectual arrogance,” explains Defilippis.... read more
After years as a Shakespearean actor, Leonardo Defilippis embarked on a spiritual journey that led him to found Catholic theater company, Saint Luke Productions, in 1980. Millions throughout the US, Canada, and Europe have seen his work as an actor, producer, and film director... read more
Augustine was the son of a pagan father, Patricius, and a devout Christian mother, Saint Monica. Born in 354 in Tagaste, North Africa, he grew up confused by his parents’ conflicting beliefs. Despite the constant and fervent prayers of his devout mother, in his youth, he was caught in a depraved and immoral existence. For many years, he was blinded to the truth by his attachment to sin... read more
Defilippis has edited and shaped the spiritual classic, The Confessions of Saint Augustine into a riveting dramatic experience. “As I explored this text, I was astounded to discover a completely modern story about a man who was absorbed in a decadent existence of sexual indulgence and intellectual arrogance,” explains Defilippis.... read more
After years as a Shakespearean actor, Leonardo Defilippis embarked on a spiritual journey that led him to found Catholic theater company, Saint Luke Productions, in 1980. Millions throughout the US, Canada, and Europe have seen his work as an actor, producer, and film director... read more
Augustine was the son of a pagan father, Patricius, and a devout Christian mother, Saint Monica. Born in 354 in Tagaste, North Africa, he grew up confused by his parents’ conflicting beliefs. Despite the constant and fervent prayers of his devout mother, in his youth, he was caught in a depraved and immoral existence. For many years, he was blinded to the truth by his attachment to sin... read more
"The Confessions of Saint Augustine is a story for today, performed with honesty by a talented actor who understands what conversion to Christ really means." ~ Bishop Ricken, Green Bay, WI
"WOW! What an amazing production. I am extremely moved and had no idea how inspiring the life of Saint Augustine was. Thank you, Saint Luke Productions for changing the world, one saint at a time!" ~ Annie Jo, Yorba Linda, CA
"What a beautiful and brilliant performance! During the play, I found myself praying for Augustine's conversion, as you presented such a real character, and then from that, for conversion of all of the souls of the people in the audience, and for all of the people who would hear about the show from them. We, the audience, are the messengers of this great play." ~ Dr. Fulgenzi
"You once asked in an email, 'Which drama we created really impacted your life?' That is easy to answer, The Confessions of Saint Augustine!!! So spiritually uplifting, inspiring, and so well done!!! Please record this and make it available on DVD!!!" ~ Faithful Fans, WA
"It is absolutely amazing that Leonardo can not only memorize this magestic and uplifting work, but that it moves our hearts and souls as well." ~ Suzanne F., Royal Oak, MI